Do you shop at thrift stores or consignment shops? Well, if you do, you will find plenty of designer bags there. However, a lot of those bags are not real, but how can you tell the real ones from the fake ones? In this post, I’m going to show you how to quickly determine if the bag you want to purchase, is worth the money or not. Whenever I come across a designer bag that I want to buy, (thanks to my friend Tiffany) I sift through it carefully to make sure it is the real thing. Check out her Poshmark shop here for authentic designer bags.

Below are a few things you should do before you purchase your next designer bag from a resale shop.

Examine the exterior of the bag.

Pay attention to the design, font, and composition. If you know your brand, you’ll likely notice any inconsistencies.  Look at these two Louis Vuitton bags? Which one is real, and which is fake? The first one is authentic and the other is not. You can tell by the font, feel, and colors of the handles.

Authentic Louis Vuitton

Not Authentic

Examine the interior of the bag.

Look for the label. The label should be imprinted with the designer’s name. If it is not there, it’s probably not authentic. Next, lift the label, and look for the designer’s serial number. It’s usually stamped under there as shown in the photo below.

Under Inside Label

Below are two Gucci bags.

One is authentic and the other is not. Notice the logo zipper. As you can see below, one has a stamped logo on the front of the purse with no label inside. It’s a cute vintage inspired bag, but it’s not the real thing.

Not Authentic
No Label Inside

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog!

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This is interesting! It seems like some of them these days are so darn good it’s hard to tell.


Interesting post! I have also heard that if a Louis Vuitton is real, they won’t cut through the logo when stitching it together.


These are some great tips! Next time I go to a thrift store, I’m going to remember this post. 🙂

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