Sewing is process, so you have to be patient with yourself. When I decide to start a new project, I write it down in my calendar to give myself plenty of time to complete it. I space each step out over a couple of days so that my last day is just sewing my pattern pieces. Here is my sewing process:
Shop for fabric – I shop for fabric at, Joann Fabrics or create my own fabric design via
Prep the fabric – I always wash and iron my fabric before measuring and cutting. Some people wonder if it is necessary to wash their fabric before cutting. If you decide not to do so, it is likely that you will have some shrinkage.
Lay out your pattern – If you are using a commercial pattern, you will want to cut out your pattern and iron it, if necessary. Place your pattern on your fabric and cut out all the pattern pieces.
Follow the pattern instructions – Sew! Sew! Sew!
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Do what you love!